Wiffefest 5 Benefits the Pujols Family Foundation
I am proud to say that the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest has stepped up to the plate again and supported the Pujols Family Foundation. This year teams and individuals dug deep into their pockets and donated $845.00 All of this has been sent to the Pujols Family Foundation in an effort to help them help children with Down Syndrome. Thank you so much for all of your donations, and we pray that this money will be put to good use.
Owen named MVP
Two on, two outs, down by one, in the top half of the last inning. Needless to say the River Monsters were reeling. The Thundercats were in control of the game, and the prospects of a winner take all, championship game, were looking good. Then, something magical happend. Violet Owen, outfielder and second batter for the River Monsters stepped to bat. She promptly lifted a high fly ball to deep right center field, and with a little help from a southeast wind, deposited an opposite field, three run home run over the fence to lift the River Monsters to victory. After the game she was named, MVP (Most Valuable Philipino), and crowned Wifflefest champion. She will also be on a short list of candidates to be nominated for induction into the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest Hall of Fame.
River Monsters Swallow Up Wifflefest Title
The River Monsters posted a 6-4 victory in the championship game of the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest to claim the tournament title over the Thundercats. The River Monsters completed the tournament with a perfect (4-0) record and can now proudly wear golden wiffleballs around their necks... to dislay their accomplishment. They beat out 13 other teams in the one-day double elimination tourament benefitting the Pujols Family Foundation, an organization which is dedicated to raise awareness for children with Down Syndrome.
13 Teams to compete for Wifflefest 5 Crown (really just some golden wiffleballs)
Cross your fingers all you Wifflefest competitors, you will need all the luck you can get. Thirteen teams are confirmed to participate in the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest 5. That total equals the highest amount of teams to date in the five year history of the glorious wiffling event. Some would think that excitment and anticipation would be filling the halls of the Osborne household, with so many teams ready to fight it out. Those thoughts would be wrong. "I would really rather have 12 or 14 teams", says Justin Osborne, founder, creator and provider of awesomeness of Wifflefest. "I mean, it is October and we have 13 teams coming. Kind of spooky", Osborne explains as he makes a ghoolish laugh. While most of the teams have participated in the past, there is a handful of new comers. Highlighting that group is 'New Team' which is composed of experienced Wiffleballers and some newcomers. Captain Roger Brown is hoping his new found 'secret weapon' will be the trick to treat his team to victory. The Hurricanes, the three time defending champions, will not be present this year, as they would like to give everyone else an opportunity to win. Trent Forester, Hurricane team captain, was spotted pushing a baby stoller while pollishing his three golden wiffleball championships earlier this fall. Apparently, winning isn't everyting. Osborne suggests that teams say there prayers and not dress in costume to avoid fearful encounters on the playing fields. "I don't want any of the teams to get scared, thinking Ol' Scratch may be out to get them or something". With thirteen teams, the competition should be fierce, fun, but could be frightful something Osborne hopes to avoid. "I've already been throwing salt over my shoulder just to be on the safe side."
10 Days unitl Wifflefest 5
Only ten days remain until the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest, and preparations are in full gear. Uniforms are being designed, signs are being constructed, cleats are being hit together really hard to get all of the mud off of them, and lives are being changed. How can a simple wiffle ball tournament change people's lives? Here is an example: The Connor Fenton Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser
These people have had amazing success at using wiffle ball to change lives. They have received tens of thousands of dollars in support of their fund, and really benefited people in their local community. The Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest is your chance to do the same. There are only three days left to sign up....
To do so: E-mail us at yellowbatwhiteball@hotmail.com
Don't miss out on this opportunity to give!!!
These people have had amazing success at using wiffle ball to change lives. They have received tens of thousands of dollars in support of their fund, and really benefited people in their local community. The Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest is your chance to do the same. There are only three days left to sign up....
To do so: E-mail us at yellowbatwhiteball@hotmail.com
Don't miss out on this opportunity to give!!!
17 Days to Wifflefest - We're buying some balls
It is really hard to have a wiffleball game, even harder to have a Wifflefest without the appropriate quantity of balls on hand. Today, I am ordering 48 official wiffle balls from the Connecticut Store. The Connecticut Store is the official marketplace for all things wiffle.... bats, books, apparel, and balls.
Our family was able to the store last summer, on a trip to the east coast. Due to a three hour traffic jam in Rhode Island, we made it to the store after closing. We were able to peer into the windows to see the wiffleball making machine as well as a 1/2 complete crossword puzzle. Needless to say, it was the highlight of our trip.
The order will be placed in about an hour, and then the wiffle balls will be hand packaged into original wiffle ball boxes. After each ball is packaged individually, they will then be combined into a much larger brown box and shipped to my location. We will then keep them in a humidified chamber to preserve their perfection until Wifflefest, ensuring that each ball will be perfectly perfect in every way.
Like a newborn babe snatched from a mother's womb, so also the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest's wiffleballs will be handled for the first time, without blemish, at Wifflefest. Past rumors of Justin Osborne actually creating his own wiffleballs with 'magic' are not completely true. This year we will have a pretend ball detector in place for each participant to pass through upon entering the Wifflefest grounds, ensuring that no off-branded ball makes it anywhere close to a field. Wifflefest is a gun free/drug free/fake wiffleball free zone.
Our family was able to the store last summer, on a trip to the east coast. Due to a three hour traffic jam in Rhode Island, we made it to the store after closing. We were able to peer into the windows to see the wiffleball making machine as well as a 1/2 complete crossword puzzle. Needless to say, it was the highlight of our trip.
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Real Wiffle Balls Only |
Like a newborn babe snatched from a mother's womb, so also the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest's wiffleballs will be handled for the first time, without blemish, at Wifflefest. Past rumors of Justin Osborne actually creating his own wiffleballs with 'magic' are not completely true. This year we will have a pretend ball detector in place for each participant to pass through upon entering the Wifflefest grounds, ensuring that no off-branded ball makes it anywhere close to a field. Wifflefest is a gun free/drug free/fake wiffleball free zone.
24 Days until Wifflefest 5
Over the past four years at Wifflefest we have had some great fun and made some wonderful memories. Wifflefest 5 will be no different. However, I do want something to be different about the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest this year... I want it to be an avenue, a conduit for businesses associated with people who attend attend love Wifflefest to come together. A place and idea that corporations can get behind and feel comfortable as they join in donating to the Pujols Family Foundation. To help accomplish that goal I need your help. Are you associated with a business that supports or donates to charitable organizations? Would you consider being an advocate for the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest as we support the Pujols Family Foundation?
If the answer is yes, here are a few steps you can take:
1. Form a team with your local business to play at Wifflefest
2. Once your team arrives they can donate as individuals or as teams
3. If your workplace is not cool enough to play, they can send the donation directly to the Pujols Family Foundation
4. Perhaps your business would be willing to send a donation with you
5. A copy of the PFF 501c3 status can be found here - for their records
It doesn't hurt to ask, and it helps a lot if the answer is 'Yes'!
Please join with me and search our hearts for something to donate.
If the answer is yes, here are a few steps you can take:
1. Form a team with your local business to play at Wifflefest
2. Once your team arrives they can donate as individuals or as teams
3. If your workplace is not cool enough to play, they can send the donation directly to the Pujols Family Foundation
4. Perhaps your business would be willing to send a donation with you
5. A copy of the PFF 501c3 status can be found here - for their records
It doesn't hurt to ask, and it helps a lot if the answer is 'Yes'!
Please join with me and search our hearts for something to donate.
25 days until Wifflefest 5
Let the countdown begin for the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest 5. We are 25 days away from this life changing event.... the day again is Oct. 30th. All teams need to register by Oct. 22nd.
Prepare your inbox, for we will be sending out daily updates of progress, happenings and rumors for the upcoming Wifflefest 5. If you have comments, thoughts, memories or theories, please feel free to share them at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=160332173984290&ref=ts
If you would like to register a team, here are the basics:
1. Teams consist of atleast 5 people (two girls)
2. Send team name, phone number and address to yellowbatwhiteball@hotmail.com
3. Create team uniforms, batting order, theme music, celebration dances, etc.
4. Save money for the Pujols Family Foundation donation
5. Practice
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Ann Osborne wiffleball legend |
Plans are being set in motion that can not be reversed. Items are being purchased and will not be returned. Hope is growing. Dreams are being made and they will be realized.
This is your opportunity to experience it all. This could be your chance at glory.... at being crowned Wifflefest champions.
If you would like to register a team, here are the basics:
1. Teams consist of atleast 5 people (two girls)
2. Send team name, phone number and address to yellowbatwhiteball@hotmail.com
3. Create team uniforms, batting order, theme music, celebration dances, etc.
4. Save money for the Pujols Family Foundation donation
5. Practice
Justin, Ann, Owen, Ellie and baby Osborne
New for Wifflefest 5
It is hard to imagine how anything as great as the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest becoming even greater. I guess if you were a really good imaginator person, you could, but, the average person's imagination most likely could not grasp such a concept. This year will Wifflefest 5 will have all of the same goodies and favorites that have made the event a huge success in past years. The announcers, free food, theme music while batting, cool wiffleball fields, bounce houses, and swimming in the pond will all be available again. Here is a sneak peak at some new ideas that are being tossed around for Wifflefest 5.
4. A wifflefest mascot
5. Hay Rides
6. WiffleGirls - personal escorts of the wifflefest mascot
7. Kohl's A-Team - not to be confused with the real A-Team
According to the top of the blog counter, Wifflefest is only 37 days away....which is probably correct, if I adjusted it to the new date.
You better start practicing!!!
1. Brass Band Ensemble
2. A guest singer for the Star Spangeled Banner
3. Pony Rides 4. A wifflefest mascot
5. Hay Rides
6. WiffleGirls - personal escorts of the wifflefest mascot
7. Kohl's A-Team - not to be confused with the real A-Team
According to the top of the blog counter, Wifflefest is only 37 days away....which is probably correct, if I adjusted it to the new date.
You better start practicing!!!
Wifflefest 5 - Registration is now open
The Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest is proud to announce that the registration is now open for Wifflefest 5, which will be played on October 30th, 2010. To sign up or form a team please follow the steps below:
1. Find four other friends (at least two females) and select a cool, trendy team name.
2. E-mail your registration with the following info to: yellowbatwhiteball@hotmail.com
Info needed:
Team name
Player names
Phone Number
3. Prepare your batting order, so that you can coordinate batting theme music
4. Find a wiffle ball and bat and practice your favorite pitches and batting stances.
5. Design team uniforms. (Over the past couple of years most teams find some way to unify their dress and create an identity unique to their team name)
6. Dream
Registration will close on Oct 22nd in order to ensure that everyone will be informed of the schedule.
1. Find four other friends (at least two females) and select a cool, trendy team name.
2. E-mail your registration with the following info to: yellowbatwhiteball@hotmail.com
Info needed:
Team name
Player names
Phone Number
3. Prepare your batting order, so that you can coordinate batting theme music
4. Find a wiffle ball and bat and practice your favorite pitches and batting stances.
5. Design team uniforms. (Over the past couple of years most teams find some way to unify their dress and create an identity unique to their team name)
6. Dream
Registration will close on Oct 22nd in order to ensure that everyone will be informed of the schedule.
Stuck in Vermont - Wifflefest

Sadly, the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest does not have a monopoly on wiffleball or even the namesake 'Wifflefest'. However, these people in Vermont have captured or borrowed the heartbeat of Wifflefest. Kiddos to the Stuck in Vermont crew for a great promo video of the event, which truly captures its charm and appeal. I wish I was there.
Sign Up Information
How to sign up:
Form a team a team of 5 or more players (two girl minimum)
Contact us at justin_o@hotmail.com with the below information:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
Team Name:
Team Members:
Hint: Most teams have matching uniforms, batting theme music, perhaps a mascot, and bring a side dish for our pot luck dinner.
Form a team a team of 5 or more players (two girl minimum)
Contact us at justin_o@hotmail.com with the below information:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
Team Name:
Team Members:
Hint: Most teams have matching uniforms, batting theme music, perhaps a mascot, and bring a side dish for our pot luck dinner.
Woman may be available for your Wifflefest team
Domestic violence is not something the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest takes lightly, or likes to joke about for that matter. However, in certain situations, a ray of hope may come bursting forth. Such is the case in this story out of Burlington, MD. The woman, who was charged with the crime, may be available for recruitment to your team for Wifflefest 5. She may add some much needed punch to the female side of your roster.
The Unifying Power of Wifflefest
The below message was recently sent from Ryan Harper, Wifflefest 2009 participant:
My brother-in-law Grant just had surgery in Columbia, MO--surgery that required him being in the hospital for a few days. The nurse in charge of his care struck conversation up with him one day. Learning that he was from the Cape/Jackson area, she mentioned that her husband went to college down there. Nothing more was said. Nothing more would have been said, until...
A day passes. Grant's mom brings some T-shirts for the post-surgery Grant to wear in his remaining days in the hospital. Among these shirts was a Wifflefest 2009 tee. The aforementioned nurse was helping organizing the clothes, and she happened upon this shirt. She paused, staring long at the shirt, and said, "my husband has this shirt." The nurse's name: Alecia Long.
My brother-in-law Grant just had surgery in Columbia, MO--surgery that required him being in the hospital for a few days. The nurse in charge of his care struck conversation up with him one day. Learning that he was from the Cape/Jackson area, she mentioned that her husband went to college down there. Nothing more was said. Nothing more would have been said, until...

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