Over the past four years at Wifflefest we have had some great fun and made some wonderful memories. Wifflefest 5 will be no different. However, I do want something to be different about the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest this year... I want it to be an avenue, a conduit for businesses associated with people who attend attend love Wifflefest to come together. A place and idea that corporations can get behind and feel comfortable as they join in donating to the Pujols Family Foundation. To help accomplish that goal I need your help. Are you associated with a business that supports or donates to charitable organizations? Would you consider being an advocate for the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest as we support the Pujols Family Foundation?
If the answer is yes, here are a few steps you can take:
1. Form a team with your local business to play at Wifflefest
2. Once your team arrives they can donate as individuals or as teams
3. If your workplace is not cool enough to play, they can send the donation directly to the Pujols Family Foundation
4. Perhaps your business would be willing to send a donation with you
5. A copy of the PFF 501c3 status can be found here - for their records
It doesn't hurt to ask, and it helps a lot if the answer is 'Yes'!
Please join with me and search our hearts for something to donate.