The below message was recently sent from
Ryan Harper, Wifflefest 2009 participant:
My brother-in-law Grant just had surgery in Columbia, MO--surgery that required him being in the hospital for a few days. The nurse in charge of his care struck conversation up with him one day. Learning that he was from the Cape/Jackson area, she mentioned that her husband went to college down there. Nothing more was said. Nothing more would have been said, until...

A day passes. Grant's mom brings some T-shirts for the post-surgery Grant to wear in his remaining days in the hospital. Among these shirts was a Wifflefest 2009 tee. The aforementioned nurse was helping organizing the clothes, and she happened upon this shirt. She paused, staring long at the shirt, and said, "my husband has this shirt." The nurse's name: Alecia Long.