The Pizza Hut Book It! program which encourages school aged children to read a set of particular books and rewards them with really small, personal pan pizzas may be interested in adding the 'Prelude to a Wifflefest' book to its approved material list. According to Wifflefest founder Justin Osborne, "The Pizza Hut Book It! program was something I really enjoyed growing up. I would read two or three books and then have my mom sign off that I read the required five books to get the free pizza. We would then go to Pizza Hut where I would get the little round deep dish pepperoni pizza and have it scald my mouth. I felt like I learned a lot." With the Book it! program being very popular among elementary school age children, Osborne feels that the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest has an opportunity to reach a younger generation. 'Prelude to a Wifflefest' is about wiffle ball and all of its glory. Wiffle ball in its original form, stripped of all the glitz and glamour which is Wifflest, is really a child's game. It's simple, creative, and made of plastic.... simply perfect for children. "With Wifflefest and the Book it! program, two great American past times can be put together. On one hand you have the kid friendly wiffle ball game, and on the other hand you have very small, scalding hot, deep dish personal pan pizza." "And if you had a third hand, you would have reading!" says Osborne. There has been no direct contact between the two entities, but sources who are privy to inside information say a deal is close.