Tonight, when you are lying in bed and staring at the ceiling because you can't fall asleep, I want you to dream with me. Dream with me a little dream, a dream that we all have had at some point in our tiny lives. A little dream of being somebody.
As you close your eyes tonight there will be a little boy who goes to sleep with a glove on his hand. A glove that symbolizes the dream we all carry deep inside. Maybe, just maybe, if we didn't know about the money the average ballplayer makes these days. Perhaps, if we didn't really know the rules of play or what makes a ball foul or fair. If we had no method of keeping score or calculating a batting average.... and were left with enjoyment and a dream. A dream that once we were good at playing ball. A dream that if we worked hard enough and long enough, we could still be good. A dream in which your theme song and plate approach were perfectly choreographed. A dream in which a plastic perferated white ball floated in front of your face, opened its mouth, smiled, and said "Hit me!". A dream that if fate would be kind to us, we could win the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest, and thus, be somebody. Good night little wiffle ballers. Sweet dreams and remember, the glove goes on the hand you don't throw with.