Cross your fingers all you Wifflefest competitors, you will need all the luck you can get. Thirteen teams are confirmed to participate in the Justin Osborne All American Wifflefest 2009. That total is the highest amount of teams to date in the four year history of the glorious wiffling event. Some would think that excitment and anticipation would be filling the halls of the Osborne household, with so many teams ready to fight it out. Those thoughts would be wrong. "I would really rather have 12 or 14 teams", says Justin Osborne, founder, creator and provider of awesomeness of Wifflefest. "I mean, it is October and we have 13 teams coming. Kind of spooky", Osborne explains as he makes a ghoolish laugh. While most of the teams have participated in the past, there is a handful of new comers. Osborne suggests that teams say there prayers and not dress in costume to avoid fearful encounters on the playing fields. "I don't want any of the teams to get scared, thinking Ol' Scratch may be out to get them or something". With thirteen teams, the competition should be fierce, fun, but could be frightful something Osborne hopes to avoid. "I've already been throwing salt over my shoulder just to be on the safe side."